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Championing Berlin's Baumentscheid 

Berliner Umweltaktivistinnen und Aktivisten mit Schildern vor dem Roten Rathaus in Berlin

Who are we

Berlin’s BaumEntscheid is a movement that enjoys broad support from across the political and social spectrum. Our growing team is made up of dozens of volunteers, including legal and urban planning experts.


We stand together in our belief that a climate-resilient Berlin will benefit everyone in the city. And you can join us too! If you appreciate collaboration in a dynamic atmosphere where your work is valued, you will feel right at home.


Our story 

BaumEntscheid was founded in August 2023 by

  • Génica Schäfgen (first from the right on the picture, on the steps), Head of
    Ecosia Germany, a representative of the climate referendum “Berlin 2030
    Climate Neutral”, and board member of SEND e.V. and

  • Heinrich Strößenreuther (second from the right), climate lobbyist as well
    as initiator of the Berlin Cycling Referendum and co-founder of the
    organisations Changing Cities, GermanZero, and KlimaUnion, which
    provided the structure needed to achieve more than 50 cycling
    referendums and over 80 climate referendums around Germany.


Our proposal

Policy makers, the Berlin Senate, and the city administration are not doing enough for local climate resilience. That’s why we have developed and drafted the Berlin Climate Adaptation Bill, which we will put to the vote via referendum.


Core points include preserving as well as planting trees, expanding and increasing green urban areas, and implementing measures to avoid heat- related deaths. And all of this combined with the strategic approach of acting in the warmest areas first.

Team des Baumentscheides auf den Treppen der Senatsverwaltung in Berlin bei der Überreichung des Berliner Klimaanpassungsgesetzes

How to join in


- Join our events or protests and help to organise some
- Collect donations or signatures
- Collaborate on communications

Baumentscheid in numbers

Aug. 2023

Baumentscheid was founded

More than 50

people volunteer with us

Between 15 & 77

is the age range of our volunteers


 signatures we collected in 2024


Here we are  ... along with many more. Join us!

Our partners

A list of all associations, initiatives and organizations

supporting Baumentscheid can be found here

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