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Support BaumEntscheid for a heatproof city

Small donations for more trees

Support our campaign for a climate-resilient Berlin!

Everything we do is on a volunteer basis. We need money to fund our campaigns – for stickers, posters, stands and events. Every euro helps us to collect signatures and make a referendum on our bill a reality. 

What your donation could go towards: 

  • 10 euros for a printed vest

  • 20 euros for 1000 flyers 

  • 50 euros for a demonstration banner 

Large donations for more trees

The association Vertrauensgesellschaft e.V. supports activities that promote democracy, climate protection, political education and the common good. As our non-profit sponsoring association, Vertrauensgesellschaft supports BaumEntscheid in its fundraising activities and helps us to correctly process your donations.

Donations in the four to six-figure range finance full-time and part-time positions for campaigning, public relations and project coordination, as well as volunteer management. For larger amounts, please donate directly to us. We can also issue a donation receipt on request:

Trust Society eV *
IBAN DE20430609671218105603
Payment reference: BaumEntscheid

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