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The people behind BaumEntscheid

Berliner Umweltaktivistinnen und Aktivisten mit Schildern vor dem Roten Rathaus in Berlin

BaumEntscheid in Berlin is a broad movement spanning all political camps, social classes and age groups. We are a strong growing team of dozens of volunteers, including a number of legal practitioners, as well as experts from the various subject areas covered by BaumEntscheid’s bill. We are all united in the belief that a climate-resilient city benefits all of us in Berlin.

We are convinced that politicians must act now. Politicians, the Senate of Berlin and the administration are not doing enough to make the city climate resilient. More trees are the most important measure we can take, but they need time to grow, so we must act now. That is why we have developed the Berlin Climate Adaptation Bill.

We want to get a debate going about how we as a city can respond to extreme weather events. To do this, we are creating awareness, setting up participatory initiatives in all districts and actively getting involved in Berlin politics.


BaumEntscheid was initiated in August 2023 by

  • Génica Schäfgen, Head of Ecosia Germany, representative of the climate referendum “Berlin 2030 Climate Neutral”, board member of SEND e.V. and

  • Heinrich Strößenreuther, climate lobbyist, initiator of Berlin Cycling Referendum, co-founder of Changing Cities, GermanZero and KlimaUnion, from which over 50 cycling referendums and more than 80 climate referendums have emerged throughout Germany.


We are constantly looking for more volunteers who want to make our movement bigger and stronger and become part of a professional, agile team in which we value one another’s contributions.
Click here if you would like to come on board.

Freiwillige des Baumentscheids bei einem Treffen im Büro von Ecosia, im Hintergrund sind einige virtuelle Teilnehmende auf dem Beamer zu sehen
Freiwillige des Baumentscheids übergeben den Gesetzentwurf einem Mitarbeiter auf den Stufen der Senatsverwaltung
Drei Freiwillige des Baumentscheids zeigen den ausgedruckten BaumPlus Gesetzentwurf

A few of us – and there are many more ...

Allied organisations

Official logo of the Diakonie Berlin Brandenburg
Logo of Berlin for Future with stylized background of Berlin in the middle
Logo Omas for Future with a globe in heart shape
Logo Deutsche Umwelthilfe with stylized globe
ClimateClinic logo with stylized scale
Paper Planes logo with stylized paper airplane
Logo of Stadtbewaldung with stylized tree
Ecosia logo in green font
Logo Sustainability Office of Humboldt University Berlin
Logo Blooming Campus of the Free University of Berlin with stylized flower
Logo of Roof Water Farm with stylized plant/roofs
Logo of Germany reforests with stylized tree
Logo of Biodiversity Berlin with photo of flower and bird
Logo of Tiny Forest Berlin with stylized trees and TV tower
Logo of the Wuhlheide Citizens' Initiative with a stylized hand and an oak leaf
Logo of Reinventing Society in green and blue
Logo Emmaus Forest remains with stylized tree with visible roots
Wolf and tawny owl logo with stylized animals in front of orange sun
Berlin 21 logo in red lettering
Baumland logo with lettering and stylized landscape in green
Freiwald logo with stylized tree and globe in green
Kungerkiez Initiative logo in pink and green
IVG logo with stylized green leaf
AWO Logo Berlin with red stylized heart
Logo in dark green color with the lettering Climate Protection in the Bundestag and a hook with a checkbox
Logo with Health For Future lettering in blue and red
Kiezwald logo as stylized light green lettering with fir tree
Black and white logo of the Initiative Nirgendwo
green logo of Together For Future with globe in the letter O of the word For
Logo Umweltinstitut München e.V. with stylized globe/apple in green-blue
Logo of the Winterfeld-Kiez-Initiative with stylized tree and white lettering on green
Logo der Senior:inennvertretung Tempelhof-Schöneberg mit dem Wappen des Bezirks, einem roten Hirsch auf gelbem Grund, einem roten Kreuzg auf weißen Grund, beides auf einem grünen Hügel ruhend
Logo von attac Berlin mit orangem Schriftzug und dem Prozentsymbol mit Weltkugeln statt Punkten
Logo der Aktion Baum mit stilisierten grünen Bäumen und Schriftzug
Logo der Paritätische Berlin in blau-rot mit rotem Gleichheitszeichen
Logo der 7Mind GmbH mit türkisem Siebeneck und Zahl 7 in der Mitte
Logo Berliner Wassertisch mit Wassertropfen im Hintergrund und Logo mit stilisiertem Fisch, der aus einem Wasserhahn trinkt. Dazu Satz Wasserprivatisierung Nein Danke!
Logo vom Akazien-Kiezblock in Grünton mit Schriftzug und Häuserzeile links und rechts
Logo der BDLA Berlin-Brandenburg mit Namen in grauer Schrift. keine weiteren Elemente
Logo der Industriegewerkschaft Bauen-Agrar-Umwelt in roter Schrift mit stilisiertem Würfel aus den Buchstaben B A und U
Logo von mit großem roten Buchstaben D, ansonsten schwarze Schrift. Keine weiteren Elemente
Logo von BürgerBegehrenKlimaschutz mit grün-weißen Icon
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